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Sunday, December 1, 2013

10 Reasons why is better to drink coffee Every Day

Before you begin reading this list , it would be better to first to prepare your favorite coffee and enjoy its taste , because there is no reason why not to do this thing .
1 . Coffee contains more antioxidants that your body needs . Even more than fruits and vegetables .
2 . Just wind it can reduce stress significantly .
3 . Drinking coffee can control Parkinson's disease .
4 . Consumption of coffee every day and helps protect against Cirrhosis by reducing the harmful effects of alcohol .
5 . Coffee can make you happier and less depressed .
6 . Coffee reduces the risk of suicide by 50 % .
7 . Coffee reduces your chances of suffering from skin cancer , especially among women .
8 . Coffee helps athletes especially the rite Athletic and their speed and power .
9 . Their coffee ritual activates the brain and their concentration .
10 . Coffee makes you more intelligent .
Continue to consume .

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